All Photographs on this page are by Ekta Media Centre
Ekta Parishad is a mass-based peoples' movement for land rights with an active membership of 250,000 landless poor and is regarded as one of the biggest people’s movement in India with an iconic status globally.
Since inception (1989) as a Gandhian organization - Ekta Parishad is constantly promoting nonviolence as a way for the struggle, dialogue, and constructive actions towards building a peaceful and just society.
Founded by Rajagopal PV as well known Gandhian and other grassroots activists – today Ekta Parishad is actively working in 12000 villages across Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Assam, Manipur, Tripura, Puducherry, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu.
Ekta Parishad is known for several milestone successes including securing land rights to nearly 500,000 families, creating grassroots leadership of more than 10,000 people, protecting forest and water bodies, and framing several laws and policies related to the land reforms in India.
In 2007, under the leadership of Ekta Parishad, 25000 landless poor marched to Delhi and negotiated for the 'Forest Rights Act', which resulted in ensuring land to the 2 million Indigenous families across India. As a negotiation, the 'Land Acquisition' Act was amended and specific provisions like Social Impact Assessment and Dispute Resolution Authority incorporated in the new law.

In 2012, Ekta Parishad was responsible for organizing and leading a foot march of more than 100,000 landless people for over 300 Km (from Gwalior to Delhi) to demand land rights. After a successful 'written agreement' between Ekta Parishad and the Government of India a new 'Land Reforms Policy' and 'National Homestead Land Rights Act' was introduced. These policies & legal framework benefitted to a large number of people on the ground.

Being an umbrella organization, Ekta Parishad strongly believes in decentralized democracy and people's power to make meaningful changes in the life of millions of marginalized in India and other parts of the World. Over the last 25 years, Ekta Parishad's alliances expanded in Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America, and Europe and deeply involved in people's campaigns as well as peacebuilding processes.

Popularly known as Raja Ji, the founder of Ekta Parishad is a well known Gandhian Leader who completed 50 years of nonviolent activism this year. He led several foot-marches in different states of India which resulted in land redistribution to thousands of landless and homeless populations. Rajaji truly mentored thousands of activists in India and continues to inspire countless people across the world. He has encouraged several youths toward nonviolent activism. At the young age of 72 years, he is now leading a global walk for justice and peace called 'Jai Jagat' along with representatives from several countries (from Delhi to Geneva).